Ruby's Homeるびいの家
HI happy_standing YO
About るびいとは
Welcome to my humble space.
Please use the links below to navigate.

NOTE: This is a transfer from a former (current?) Wordpress account. Most links still go there, so please have patience as I make adjustments.
Professional Communication:
Week 01: The Power of Belief
Week 02: Kinokuniya's Communication
Week 03: Guerrilla Advertising
Week 04: Information Crisis
Week 05: Student Disengagement
Week 06: Ethics, Journalism, Faces & Spaces
Week 07: Being a Tourist at Home
Week 08:
Week 09: Capturing Disasters in Motion
Week 10: Time Management (日本版)
Week 11:
Week 12:

Other Articles:
Speculative Futures: Moon's One (Million)-Man Dystopia
Web Friends
❤ JacobMitch